Proposed Charter Change in Morgantown Does Not Make Sense

Given what’s been witnessed locally in Morgantown government in recent years, ask yourself whether you want more or less accountability.

Vote No Charter Change.Morgantown citizens face an important election on April 27. Voters will cast ballots on a referendum to change council members’ term of office.

Presently, all seven city council members are elected every two years. If changed, those two-year concurrent terms will become four-year staggered terms.

Voters’ ability to hold all legislators accountable will be reduced by staggered four-year terms. Taxpayers’ money won’t be saved because elections will still be held every two years. Most critically at risk is civic interest and voter participation. If split and staggered, there’s strong evidence to hypothesize Morgantown’s paltry average voter turnout, which has averaged around 11% in recent years, will become a shadow of its former self.

Given what’s been witnessed locally in government in recent years, ask yourself whether you want more or less accountability.

Council advanced a half-baked plan to buy out Haymaker Village and made a half-assed annexation effort rather than pursue a responsible process.

A beautiful riverfront park, once welcoming, now feels more like a forbidden city: opulent and off limits, its beauty guarded from the public. Along the way, city council allowed goodwill to be trampled by enabling an administration that cast aside a donors’ contribution of cherry trees. Insult to injury was added when city council allowed administration to build on private land and attempt a property taking under eminent domain.

Supporters say the proposed charter change offers stability. Council could have sought changes that would have led to stability while preserving accountability and improving efficiency and participation.

Unfortunately, the hidden costs of what’s been presented outweigh any benefits, and this remedy is worse than the cure. On Tuesday, April 27, vote “No” to Morgantown’s proposed charter change.

Vote in Morgantown's April 27 Election!

Make your voice heard at your local polling place on Tuesday, April 27. Get our common sense recommendations for when you vote.

[dipl_text_animator animated_text=”Ask yourself: ” postfix_text=” Do any of these terms apply to Morgantown City Council?” animation_layout=”bounce” animation_time=”1770ms” animation_hold=”2560ms” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” main_text_text_color=”#DE482C” width=”80%” width_tablet=”80%” width_phone=”78%” width_last_edited=”on|phone” module_alignment=”center” custom_margin=”||||false|false” custom_padding=”||||false|false” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” theme_builder_area=”et_body_layout” sticky_enabled=”0″ global_text_settings_text_color_last_edited=”on|phone” global_text_settings_font=”|800|||||||” global_text_settings_font_size=”20px”][/dipl_text_animator]


Malfeasance in office is the doing of an act for which there is no authority or warrant of law.


Misfeasance is the wrongful and injurious exercise of lawful authority — that is, the doing of an act which might lawfully be done, but is done in an improper manner.


Nonfeasance is a term used in tort law to describe inaction that allows or results in harm to a person or to property. An act of nonfeasance can result in liability if (1) the actor owed a duty of care toward the injured person, (2) the actor failed to act on that duty, and (3) the failure to act resulted in injury.

While it’s tabled now, City Council may take up its MUB takeover later.

Three City Councilors: Bill Kawecki, Jenny Selin, and Dave Harshbarger were adamant about moving forward to restructure MUB. Shame on them! Ironically, these councilors have two more full years left in their term, which increases the importance of the recall effort to remove them now.

For now, the other four Councilmembers have tabled the issue, but pressure is inevitably being placed on the holdouts, and some, like Deputy Mayor Danielle Trumble, have expressed a desire to move forward.

No MUB customer is safe.

Whether you’re a MUB customer in Morgantown’s city limits or across the Mason-Dixon in Pennsylvania, know this is an attempt by Morgantown City Council to further enact its will upon your property and your life.

Don’t be lulled into complacency thinking the issue will go away. If past history tells us anything, City Council may still try to implement its misguided agenda fueled by obstience.

[dipl_image_card title=”MUB serves more customers outside of Morgantown City limits than within them.” image=”” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}” theme_builder_area=”et_body_layout”][/dipl_image_card]

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