Participate in WV’s 2021 Legislative Redistricting

Get background and give input about drawing new boundaries for the Mountain State's Congressional & Legislative seats.

New Maps for the Next Decade

Public hearings are underway across West Virginia in advance of the 2021 legislative redistricting process: The redrawing of West Virginia’s Congressional and Legislative boundary lines, in accordance with the W.Va. Constitution (see Article 2-1). This must be accomplished using U.S. Census data every decade to indicate changes in population.

In a June 9 memo, WV Senate President Craig Blair stated the format and schedule has been setup so the process is “interactive, transparent and productive as we shape our Senate, House, and Congressional Districts for the next ten years.”

The Joint Committee on Redistricting is led in the WV Senate by Senator Charles Trump IV, R-Morgan, and by Delegate Gary Howell, R-Mineral, in the WV House.

Citizens who cannot attend and participate in person are encouraged to share your ideas and input via West Virginia’s official legislative redistricting webpage. Additionally, dates for three virtual public hearings will be announced at a later date.

Once the initial plans are completed by the Joint Committee on Redistricting, the House and Senate will generate the necessary reports and maps to draft redistricting bills.

If you have questions or comments about any of the sessions or videos, please email:

Public Hearing Format & Rules

All meetings run from 6–8 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

Anyone who would like to be guaranteed an opportunity speak during a hearing needs to be present to sign in by 6 p.m. to speak.

The number of people who sign in to speak at each hearing will be divided by the amount of time available for the event to determine the amount of time each person will have to speak, in line with House Rule 84. A red light will indicate when each speaker has reached the time limit and will be asked to conclude his or her remarks before announcing the next speaker.

All attendees will be given an informational brochure with reminders of how the Redistricting process works according to the state Constitution, as well as information about how to provide suggestions throughout the process.

Hearings are scheduled for the following dates and locations, and are subject to change. The most official, up-to-date information can be found at:

Rewatch Previous Public Hearings

    West Virginia Legislative Redistricting News & Information

     Redistricting Committee Leaders

    Charles Trump, IV

    Charles Trump, IV

    Senate Redistricting Committee Chair

    R – Morgan, 15

    Gary Howell

    Gary Howell

    House Redistricting Committee Chair

    R – Mineral, 56

    Joint Redistricting Committee Members

    The West Virginia Capitol stands majestically amid Charleston's skyline.
    [dipl_text_animator animated_text=”Ask yourself: ” postfix_text=” Do any of these terms apply to Morgantown City Council?” animation_layout=”bounce” animation_time=”1770ms” animation_hold=”2560ms” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” main_text_text_color=”#DE482C” width=”80%” width_tablet=”80%” width_phone=”78%” width_last_edited=”on|phone” module_alignment=”center” custom_margin=”||||false|false” custom_padding=”||||false|false” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” theme_builder_area=”et_body_layout” sticky_enabled=”0″ global_text_settings_text_color_last_edited=”on|phone” global_text_settings_font=”|800|||||||” global_text_settings_font_size=”20px”][/dipl_text_animator]


    Malfeasance in office is the doing of an act for which there is no authority or warrant of law.


    Misfeasance is the wrongful and injurious exercise of lawful authority — that is, the doing of an act which might lawfully be done, but is done in an improper manner.


    Nonfeasance is a term used in tort law to describe inaction that allows or results in harm to a person or to property. An act of nonfeasance can result in liability if (1) the actor owed a duty of care toward the injured person, (2) the actor failed to act on that duty, and (3) the failure to act resulted in injury.

    While it’s tabled now, City Council may take up its MUB takeover later.

    Three City Councilors: Bill Kawecki, Jenny Selin, and Dave Harshbarger were adamant about moving forward to restructure MUB. Shame on them! Ironically, these councilors have two more full years left in their term, which increases the importance of the recall effort to remove them now.

    For now, the other four Councilmembers have tabled the issue, but pressure is inevitably being placed on the holdouts, and some, like Deputy Mayor Danielle Trumble, have expressed a desire to move forward.

    No MUB customer is safe.

    Whether you’re a MUB customer in Morgantown’s city limits or across the Mason-Dixon in Pennsylvania, know this is an attempt by Morgantown City Council to further enact its will upon your property and your life.

    Don’t be lulled into complacency thinking the issue will go away. If past history tells us anything, City Council may still try to implement its misguided agenda fueled by obstience.

    [dipl_image_card title=”MUB serves more customers outside of Morgantown City limits than within them.” image=”” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}” theme_builder_area=”et_body_layout”][/dipl_image_card]

    Support the total recall of Morgantown City Council.

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    Complete the form. Your information is safe with us.

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    We’ll contact you to follow-up and get your help.

    Take action

    Beyond voting on Election Day, your help with the recall petition effort will lead to a better Morgantown.

    [caldera_form id="CF62d5e60523a93"]


    If you don’t have time to help, make change count by giving to support this cause.