
Donate up to $5,000 online now. Support candidates and causes promoting common sense ideas/issues. Support West Virginians for Common Sense.

Mail checks to:

West Virginians for Common Sense
287 Arbogast Lane
Morgantown, WV 26508

Donating is as easy as 1-2-3.

Securely give online from your mobile phone, tablet, or computer. We accept major credit cards.


We make it fast for you to donate.

With just a few clicks you will support common sense. Make a one time or recurring payment.

Your donation won’t go to lobbying, special interests, or administrative overhead.

Donate as little as $3 to support our ideas and solutions. Every dollar counts and together we can make a difference.

Donate to chart a new future.

Common sense is the most uncommon of all senses. We’re only a generation from losing common sense, but you can help us in the struggle to restore sanity.

Political party is not what matters: no party has a monopoly of ideas. Ideas and solutions that are common sense, logical, reasonable, and nonpartisan will win the day.

By transforming ideas into action, we get things done. When voters learn about candidates and causes we support, they are more likely to win. We make this happen by connecting with voters and inspiring more citizens to participate in the democratic process.

You have a voice. You will be heard when we act on your behalf.

Your donation will help candidates and causes that reflect your values and priorities, and together we will elect government that best represents common sense ideas and solutions.

We support candidates and causes that find common ground to positively affect change. We endorse practical, pragmatic candidates who work for the common good, regardless of their political affiliation. We focus on common sense causes that will enable a brighter future.

We accept donations online as small as $3. We can directly donate up to $2,800 per candidate, per cycle for state and local elections, and up to  $1,000 combined total for candidates in federal elections.

We’re a political action committee (PAC) that collects contributions from people and uses those funds to campaign for, or against, political candidates and causes. We’re a nonprofit organization, governed by 26 U.S. Code § 527, and so while monetary gifts are charitable, they are not tax deductible.

You can also help by giving your time and talents.

If you're an artisan, business owner, or any type of craftsman, we greatly value in-kind donations.